Julia Fink

Real-life occupation: Torturing little kids with English, Latin and Philosophy 😀

With us since: 2004

Plays and roles:
God (Fate Sister)
Wyrd Sisters (Mr Vitoller, Guard)
Pilk’s Madhouse (Narrator, Suicidal Person)
Maskerade (Christine)
Comfort and Dispair (Beatrice)
Arsenic and Old Lace (Aunt Martha)
The Crucible (Rebecca Nurse)
Dear Octopus (Margery Harvey)
Midsummer Night’s Dream (Quince)
Metamorphoses (A, Baucis)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Magpie, The Cook)
RWTH Science Night 2011: Death Actually (Wife, Flute, Mother)
Death Actually (Baucis)
The Tempest (Assistant director, Antonia)
RWTH Science Night 2012: English Through the Ages (Hostess, Rosencrantz, Wren)
Robin Hood (Assistant director, Countess Joan)
Death on the Mississippi (Hercule Poirot)
RWTH Science Night 2016: Say Goodbye the English Way (Witch / Cigarette addict / Keating’s pupil)

Favorite backstage snack: chocolate and gummy stuff

Actor’s Nausea in three words: heart’s blood, chaos, family

The hardest part so far: everything that is intimate

The best part so far: the moment shortly before entering the stage

Funfact: sews all costumes for everyone herself, because she “cannot stand watching this mess!”

Greetings to: my family :o)