Kathy Kröcker
Real-life occupation:
Real life?
With us since:
Spring 2010
Plays and roles:
Metamorphoses (Backstage)
Lysistrata (weiblicher Chor)
The Tempest (Spirit)
Robin Hood (Much, Rouen, Boxley)
Death on the Mississippi (Ms. Bowers)
Dead White Males (Jessica Squires)
Antigone (Antigone)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Butler)
RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht 2016: Say Goodbye the English Way (Scarlett O’Hara)
A Tomb with a View (Anne Elizabeth Franklin)
Kill Me, Deadly (Mona Livingston)
Favorite backstage snack:
gummy bears and double whopper
Actor’s Nausea in three words:
awesome, hilarious, insane!
The hardest part so far:
playing an old, fat monk; beying serious in funny scenes
The best part so far:
everything! Hell Week + shows are the best ever! And our reherasal weekend in Belgium was legendary!
Always talks way to much; does Make Up for the whole cast and forgets to prepare herself until five minutes before the show
Greetings to:
the spirit sisters & the rest of all those weird persons