René Glebke

Real-life occupation:
Research Assistant (Computer Science)

With us since:
November 2009

Plays and roles: 
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (extra)
Metamorphoses (Midas’ servant, Poseidon’s servant, Narcissus, Philemon)
Lysistrata (David / male chorus)
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Charles Dodgson / Dodo, Gryphon)
RWTH Science Night 2011: Death Actually (Mort)
Death Actually (Julien Bossuet, Philemon)
The Tempest (Stephano)
RWTH Science Night 2012: English Through the Ages (Backstage)
Robin Hood (Will Scarlock)
Death on the Mississippi (Andrew Pennington)
Dead White Males (Col Judd)
Antigone (Chrous Leader)
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (Gabriel John Utterson, Esq.)
A Tomb with a View (Peregrine “Perry” Potter)
RWTH Science Night 2017: Keep It Short – A Night of Short Plays (Mars)
Macbeth (Backstage)
Nightfall with Edgar Allan Poe (Director/ Poe’s Fear/ Poe)
Kill Me, Deadly (Charlie Nickels)
Jane Eyre (Edward Rochester)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes/ John Watson)

Favorite Quotes: 
“O wall, full often hast thou heard my moans[…]” (Thisbe, A Midsummer Night’s Dream)
“Let me die the moment my love dies […] Let me die still loving, and so, never die.” (Philemon & Baucis, Metamorphoses / Death Actually)
“Sie hat keinen Anspruch, aber sie hat Hunger: das ist mehr.” (Shen Te, in Bertolt Brechts Der gute Mensch von Sezuan)

Favorite backstage snack:
A swig Coke before almost every step onstage

Actor’s Nausea in three words:
Here it started

The hardest part so far:
Answering this question

The best part so far:
The trios in Tempest and Robyn

Always re-uses at least one prop or costume part from a previous production