Welcome to the Trial of the Century!

Thank you for coming and spending your evening with us!

Can you solve the murder of Miss Emily French?

Dear friends and followers of Actor’s Nausea,

We are delighted to announce that our next play, “Witness for the Prosecution” will be performed on the weekend of the 20th of June, 2024.
Reserve your tickets here!


Your Nauseates

Guilty or not guilty? In Agatha Christie’s ‘Witness for the Prosecution’, faith in justice and the truth is put to the test. Leonard Vole, a handsome but impoverished young man is accused of murdering the wealthy elderly woman Emily French in cold blood. The best defence lawyer in the country Sir Wilfried Robarts believes in the young man’s innocence. When Leonard’s wife confirms that he was at home at the time of the crime, Wilfried is certain that the case is won. But the tide suddenly turns in court…
With ‘Witness for the Prosecution’, the English-speaking theatre group ‘Actor’s Nausea’ is devoting itself this summer to a play that has already been the subject of several cinema and television films. The courtroom thriller keeps the audience on the edge of their seats until the very end. Was Leonard Vole the killer? And who is actually lying to whom?
The performances will take place in English at Theatre 99 at Gasborn 9 in Aachen.
Performances are on:
Thursday 20 June at 7pm,
Friday 21 June and Saturday 22 June at 8pm,
Sunday 23 June at 6pm.
Tickets at a price of 10 euros (concessions: 7 euros) are available at the box office and in the link above.

About us

Since 2000, Actor’s Nausea has performed more than 25 plays in the English language. The group originated in Mollie Jackson’s slightly different language course and has since evolved into a registered association (est. 2017) with close ties to the Department of English, American and Romance Studies at RWTH Aachen University. Our members are mainly students and former students – English studies being just one of many of our member’s fields.

“What’s Lampenfieber [the German word for stage fright] in English?” – “I don’t know… ‘actor’s nausea’?”